A Statement from OHMA and OHMA's Advisory Board

The Oral History MA Program at Columbia University endorses this Declaration by the American Association of University Professors Of Barnard and Columbia:

We condemn in the strongest possible terms the Administration’s suspension of students engaged in peaceful protest and their arrest by the New York City Police Department.

These acts violate the letter and the spirit of the University Statutes, shared governance,students’ rights, and the University’s absolute obligation to defend students’ freedom of speech and to ensure their safety.

We demand that all Barnard College and Columbia University suspensions and charges be dismissed immediately and expunged from the students’ records, and that all rights and privileges be restored to them immediately.

Last, we demand that no disciplinary action be taken against any student protesters without due process, and that no police be permitted on campus without serious consultation with the Executive Committee of the University Senate.

As oral historians, we strive to listen in ways that allow us to be changed by what we have heard. We value dialogue, respect, empathy, and care. While we condemn the acts by our University that have heightened conflict and shut down dialogue, we also want to lift up the moments of conversation, connection, curiosity, and care that are happening alongside and among acts of violence and hate.
