We are grateful for your gift!

Our goal is to develop resources that will enhance OHMA, with a focus on equity, inclusion, and access. Access to the training, networks and credentials of OHMA is powerful, but the cost is a real barrier to many. Recruiting, funding, and supporting students with less economic resources has always been a core value for us, and it shows in the socioeconomic diversity of our cohorts. Still, students with less privilege often face extra challenges: working more while they are in school, not being able to accept low-paying or unpaid internships, not being able to take time for an extended job search, stressing over buying equipment or meeting family financial obligations. This year we offered $45,000 in scholarships. 

We work hard to lessen these burdens, but with your support we can do more.


What matters to you?

What matters to you?


●  Increasing scholarship funding. For example, $10,000 Future Voices Fellowships help make OHMA a financially sustainable choice for our most promising applicants.
●  Supporting internships with stipends. A $5,000 stipend would provide $25/hour for a 200-hour internship.
●  Providing equipment grants for incoming students - the professional packages we recommend to students range from $700-$1,400.


$20,000 for the next generation


$20,000 for the next generation 〰️


We have already secured pledges totaling $10,000 to kick off our campaign and Incite has generously pledged to match the next $10,000 we raise from our community! 

We would be so grateful if you would consider making a gift - of any size - to support these efforts. You can make a gift securely online at this link, or contact OHMA Director Amy Starecheski if you would like to give another way such as by check or wire.