Lesbismo Italiano Oral History Project

by Eleonora Anedda

"I think she started flirting with me out of curiosity..."

Per curiosità ha iniziato a corteggiarmi, e siccome a me piacciono le persone al di là delle scelte che poi si fanno di sesso o di altro, e a me è piaciuta molto questa ragazza. Quindi abbiamo iniziato a frequentarci. Quando mi ha baciato io sono impazzita. E una delle cose più belle che io ricordo. La sensazione della pelle liscia. Io sono proprio impazzita.

I think she started flirting with me out of curiosity. You know, I like people regardless of their gender and I really liked her. After a while we started dating, and when she kissed me I went crazy. It is one of the most beautiful memories I have. The feeling of soft skin.

A photo of William Blake’s painting The Inscription over the Gate. It’s part of the illustrations of Dante’s Divine Comedy, and this piece shows Dante and Virgil entering the gate of hell. This moment is illustrated by Dante in Inferno, Canto III. T…

A photo of William Blake’s painting The Inscription over the Gate. It’s part of the illustrations of Dante’s Divine Comedy, and this piece shows Dante and Virgil entering the gate of hell. This moment is illustrated by Dante in Inferno, Canto III. The painting is overall dark and gloomy: “Dante describes the ‘dim’ colours which contribute to his terror. Blake’s dark shadows of pure black pigment next to areas of unpainted white paper contribute to this. He used Prussian blue for the blue areas, and indigo blue mixed with yellow for the green foliage, so that they contrast. The blue, green and vermilion red do not overlap.” Tate. ‘“The Inscription over the Gate”, William Blake, 1824–7’. Tate. Accessed 17 April 2020. https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/blake-the-inscription-over-the-gate-n03352.


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Hello! My name is Eleonora and I will be your guide for this oral history exhibit. I am currently back home in Sardinia, Italy - and really this place is what inspired me to start this project. A few years ago I became really interested in exploring queer women’s history, and especially how that looked like in my country. So I’m very excited to present a selection of oral histories on queer spaces for women across Italy. I hope you’ll stop by to listen to these stories and if you do: buon ascolto! [Happy listening!]

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