Enby Spoken Histories

by Angel Labarthe del Solar

"Listen to stories of transgender folx..."

Listen to stories of transgender folx recorded for Enby Spoken Histories. Enjoy looking through our archived photographs, audio recordings, and more.

Arranged side-by-side are two grinning portraits of Nico, an Enby Spoken Histories narrator, sitting in the corner of a recording booth. The photos appear to have been taken moments apart. In the left-hand photo, Nico holds the large black microphon…

Arranged side-by-side are two grinning portraits of Nico, an Enby Spoken Histories narrator, sitting in the corner of a recording booth. The photos appear to have been taken moments apart. In the left-hand photo, Nico holds the large black microphone in one hand and sticks out their tongue, like the mic is an ice cream cone. In the right-hand photo, Nico leans back into the wall having just burst out laughing.


Learn more from the curator


Hi, I'm Marina (Angel) and I'll be guiding you through an oral history project I've been working on for the past year. When you enter the Enby Spoken Histories website you will be able to explore stories of transgender folx recorded for the project in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, and Hawaii. The project aims to create safer spaces for trans individuals to exist in. We offer space for real conversations, stories that incorporate joy and resilience, questioning and discovery. I hope you enjoy looking through our archived photographs, audio recordings, and more.

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