Test out our newly developed transcript correction tool + tell us what you think.
WHERE: Studio@Butler - 208b Butler Library
Please RSVP to AlexandraKelly@nypl.org
The New York Public Library is launching an exciting new campaign we call Together We Listen, in partnership with The Moth and Pop Up Archive!
With the support of a recent Knight Foundation grant, we're hoping to make 1,000+ hours of personal stories from the NYPL Community Oral History Project archive truly accessible for the first time.
But...how? NYPL's NEW Open Transcript Correction Tool!
We're inviting you to join us as we unveil our new tool and test it out! At this event, you will...
- MEET the tool developers from NYPL Labs, our digital innovation team
- LISTEN to audio from our Harlem neighborhood oral history project
- TEST out our Open Transcript Correction Tool and help to shape its future development!
Pizza will be provided. Bring your own laptop (but let us know in your RSVP if you need one).