Cameron Vanderscoff (2013)
Cameron Vanderscoff is an oral historian and educator whose practice is grounded in the creative, executive, and interpersonal skills necessary to take story initiatives from idea to execution. He has worked with Columbia University, the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, the University of California, the Apollo Theatre, and many other institutions, advancing innovative qualitative research projects, personal and family memoirs, community history efforts, and other narrative-based ventures. With an extensive track record of public and private partnerships and a versatile project portfolio, Cameron has worked and consulted widely in the U.S. and in countries across three continents, including his ongoing collaboration on historical dialogue in Okinawa, Japan with the Okinawa Memories Initiative. Back home in New York, he is the co-director of the Summer Institute of the Columbia Centre for Oral History, and recently served as the co-chair of the 2017 Oral History & The City conference. He is a consultant and interviewer for the Narrative Trust, a leading private oral history firm.
In addition to his field experience, Cameron holds an MA in oral history from Columbia University and two BAs from UC Santa Cruz. He also works as a musician and is developing a new documentary about the intersection of jazz and veterans’ issues in Harlem.